Friday, April 23, 2010


Clarissa has been getting good grades... which means that my parents are buying her a horse. We have seen and tried out a few and Clarissa has been pretty disappointed about the decision to not get at least one of them... she really got attached to him. He was sweet! The second time around, she did not act like she cared and tried not to get excited or attached. BUT- the morning of the this meeting, she txt'd me that she was super excited. After the people dropped off this beautiful horse, Clarissa already told herself that this was not the right one. Which in the end made it easy for them to drive away! There is one out there... and I have this feeling that there is a good reason that we are having to wait! When that time comes, there will be a lot of changes... and with that a lot more of the responsibility... that she will have. Both Adam and I - and my parents know that. She will be happy and she is really looking forward to competing. She is getting better at barrels. For now, she is loving on Blazer, the horse trainer's daughter horse... he is trained in English style riding... they are going to sell him soon...Clarissa is sad... but he needs a good home to do what he is trained in doing... not the Western riding, where Clarissa is looking to be.

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